I've been trying t get my house in order for the upcomming holidays. I've basically done nothing but keep the kitchen clean, but that's at least a start. I have a lot more to do, before I go back to work on Saturday. Right now the plan is to to back on Saturday, but I may have to go back before that. My mom is gonna come help me clean out my dungeon on Wednesday I believe. Tommorrow two of the kids have dental appointments. Yesterday I voulenteered to start a new youth program at church. That starts on Tueday, and runs every week from 7-8. I may have to work next Tuesday, but they can start without me I'm sure. Maybe I can have my mother keep the kids at my house, so that I don't have any stops to make on my way home from work. I know all of this is jumbled, but I just wanted to get things out of my head right now.
I think i'll start a list of missions that I'd like to accomplish with my church and youth group.
- Shoe Box ministry, dealine is really soon maybe for next year
- Help for single mothers of small children nearby
- Pick a family that needs help with Christmas
- Angel Food Ministy started (this should be the North West planning council IMO, but we need it here
- I'd love to start a church daycare for working families
- Pick a family a month to help with housework/yardwork on one weekend.
- Cookbook
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5 months ago
I just heard from the person making your KMKS kit--she's concerned that you haven't e-mailed her back. Could you please get in touch with her asap? If you're having problems e-mailing her, let me know.
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