I've always wanted to be a princess. What girl doesn't? I was kidding around with N a few weeks ago and mentioned it. I'd had a rough time, and he was MIA for several days, but when things came together he called me Princess. It was out of the blue, and I really hadn't thought that he'd listened. I told him about the book The Five Love Languages. I've not read the entire book, but it is pretty neat. So basically I told him that my love language is words of affirmation, and we figured out that his is touch. So after that really bad week, and he called me Princess and told me that he missed me, I cried. Today I've been listening to the Fly Show. There is a lot of talk about loving yourself. One thing that Leanne said that really stuck with me today, is that I am the daughter of a King!!!! I am a princess!!!! I am not in my castle yet, but my home awaits me. I will serve my King until it is time for me to go home. Why shouldn't I love myself as much as my King does? If I am worthy of being loved by my King, why can't I love myself? I'm not saying I hate myself, but sometimes I just really need that extra hug, or pick me up.
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